Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Perfect Day

The weather has been absolutely miserable this Summer in Marin County. Cold,blustery, foggy - just awful. So, when I woke up and saw the sun was out today I knew we had to take action.

So I grabbed the Little Boy and his buddy who had slept over, and the three of us did a four mile trail run on the Skinnyman course. It was an absolute blast. We came home, cooked up some brats, put the paddleboard on the car and headed to the beach, where we preceded to meet up with friends, swim in the Bay and paddle board for hours. Afterwards we headed home, grilled chicken and corn and ate outside. And now I'm sitting outside having a glass of wine as the sun sets, writing this post and reading my book. In. A few minutes I'll start watching True Blood and Entourage.

I'm pretty much a simple creature and have to say that i really don't need much in life, just days like this.

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