Wednesday, February 24, 2010

American Idol, 2010 Version

Ok, y'all know I am a big fan. I have yet to write about this season partially, because, well, there hasn't been much to say. The auditions speak for themselves. A few questions for the masses:

-- what do you think so far and any early predictions as to final four?
-- thoughts regarding Ellen? I think she's a cool and funny, but not offering tremendous value as a judge?
-- is the show doomed without Simon next year (I say yes. He IS the show.)
-- any suggestions as to who would make the best replacement? (my vote goes to Howard Stern. He's be unpredictable and zany. He too might not be the best judge, but he'd keep things interesting).
-- anyone think I am asking entirely too many questions about a show that's not a whole heck of a lot more than a karaoke contest?
-- as a corollary to the above, should a 43 year, self professed indie music enthusiast really care this much?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no interest in such mundane