Monday, March 17, 2008

Foul Ball!

Yesterday may have been the greatest day in the Little Boy's young life. Mine too for that matter.

The story goes like this:

We went to the Cub's game and similar to Saturday, got to the stadium early. The Little Boy got to meet Cub's legend Ron Santo, and also got autographs from Kerry Wood and others. We took our seats before the game started and noted that we were sitting in a very interesting place; second row, right alongside the first base line around mid-outfield.

More aptly described as: perfect foul ball territory.

The Little Boy found a little concrete area/step that was right alongside the field, so that he would be able to "scoop" up any foul balls that came his way. A few of the raucous Chicagoans sitting behind us -- and the were *really* raucous, but funny as hell in a Chicago kind of way -- starting joking around with him "Hey Kid, get us a ball, " "Hey Kid, focus on the game now," "Hey Kid, want a beer?" etc.

Anyway, come the third inning and an Angels outfielder catches the third out and on his way back to his dugout flips the ball towards the Little Boy. He sticks his glove out, I put my hand in the air to help him out when WHAM -- the dude in front of us jumps in front of him, snags the ball and immediately gives it to his wife.

It was a bush league move (though I must say he was a pretty good guy) and the fans *really" let him have it: they started chanting "Give the kid the ball, give the kid the ball" and heckled them mercilessly.

The Little Boy was trying to figure the whole thing out and was equals parts amused by the attention, befuddled, and excited.

A few more innings go by and players are going down 1-2-3 with no balls coming to the outfield. Once again, the raucous guys started chanting "Give the Kid the Ball" and the whole area of the stadium starts picking up on it. Just at this is happening ... FOUL BALL comes our way, and wouldn't you know ANOTHER guy jump out of nowhere and snares it.

Now the Chicago guys are going at it full steam, booing this other guy like crazy and the cheeer is picking up even more steam. I should be enjoying this but I'm not because at this stage of the game, all I want is for the kid to get a damn ball. By the way, he was super cool about the whole thing, smiling, laughing and charming everyone. I heard about ten people say variations on "What a sweet little Kid."

Now the original guy who snagged the ball (the one I said was kind of nice) goes up to the on field security guy, who was aware all this was happening, and says, "Do anything you can to get this kid a ball."

One inning later Garrett Anderson of the Angeles is up and HERE IT COMES -- a slow foul moving foul ball right along the first base line. The security guard RACES over and gives it a little kick towards the Little Boy -- no one else in the stadium would dare touch this one - who bends over onto the field and swoops it up.

And I am telling you -- the whole left side of the stadium ERUPTS. There was more drama in the stands on him getting the ball then on the game itself. People who know me know I am prone to embellishment (hey, I'm in PR!) but I am telling you that people start going CRAZY. They are high fiving him, high fiving each other and now start chanting "The Kid Got a Ball."

It was the best thing, ever. I pride myself on NEVER, EVER crying (am I using caps too much here, by the way?) but I have to admit to getting a tad bit teary eyed watching the little fellow hold the ball up in front of him in total freaking elation while everyone cheered for him.

It was a dream come true for a Little Boy.

Truth be told, it was a dream come true for his old man as well.


Crazymamaof6 said...

freaking cute story. WHOOHOO that he got his Ball! i can't believe how lame those guys were. that was awesome the crowd was on his side.

Anonymous said...

awesome story.

Anonymous said...

You are the best father. Taking your son on this awesome trip. When I read the story about the ball he almost didn't get I had tears in my eyes. The best part was the phone call we got from him and how excited he was about getting the ball. Whatever you paid for the trip it was worth it. The memories will last forever.

Melissa Boehning Libert said...

love it! we're having a kid just so we can get a foul ball.

Anonymous said...

Great story. I can't wait to take my little man one day.