Friday, October 26, 2007

My Aching Back

My back pain finally got so bad (probably having something to do with my back to back runs in LA earlier this week) that I finally had to go to the doctor. The time had come: I've been spending too much time in my office taking calls while prone on the floor.

Anyway, the diagnosis: a severely strained or possibly slightly torn muscle in my lumbosacral region. She recommends muscle relaxers (which I won't take; never liked them, never will), and physical therapy. She also said no running or cycling for the near term. I still intend to swim though -- without some form of exercise I'll likely lose my mind.

Man, not to be wallowing in self pity, but I've had a bit of rough go of it lately.

While I was there, we chatted about my present situation re: thyroid cancer. She asked what it was like to have a TSH level of 49 (the level I was tested at about four days before my scan dose). She said she could not imagine getting through the day with a TSH that high, let alone three weeks. She was incredulous to learn that I did not miss one day of work during that period of time; she said most people would have been absolutely leveled. So, I got that going for me, I guess.

Anyway, headed out shortly to a Texas Hold 'Em tournament with the boys, which is exactly what I think I need tonight.


Anonymous said...

when i was young i occasionally could be found in a prone position on my office floor. it was called the missionary position

Crazymamaof6 said...

LOL on your dad's comment! hope it heals quickly and you feel like yourself soon!