Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Coach Solomon

So somehow I got roped into coaching not one, but two baseball teams this year. One is a group of five year olds, featuring The Girl. I think she's the only girl on the team. Should be interesting. Kid doesn't even know which hand her glove goes on.

Also looks as if I am coaching The Boy's team as well. Where I am finding all this time is anyones guess but somehow I will make it work out. Both kids are stoked and by the transitive property of stokedness, I guess I am as well.

So -- coaching tips anyone? And not you, dad. Actually, I take that back, you were a pretty darn good coach. When you weren't making us (or one of us, anyway), "nervous."

In other news, a good hurray to CrazyMama everyone for her clean scan. That is just great, awesome, fantabulous news. (Fantabulous. I like that one).

I am finally getting over the disease. Went for a little run tonight and only found myself bent over hacking my lungs out twice.

That's progress.


Crazymamaof6 said...

whoohoo for a coaching dad! my advice make sure she knows which way to run the bases 1-3. but i really like when they go the wrong way(3-1). seriously cute. But it would reflect poorly on you as the coach so make sure she knows which way to go.

thanks for the shout out and the email. THAT made my day. :)

and whoohoo for running and only hacking out the lungs twice! fabulous!

Anonymous said...

"PRETTY DARN GOOD COACH". I WAS A COACHING LEGEND. PEOPLE STILL COME UP TO ME AND SAY "aren,t you that crazy xxxx who was always fighting with umpires, coaches and parents" and i say thank you for remembering. now get out of my way.gs

Unknown said...

Go see "Mr Woodcock". Lots of good coaching tips to emulate:
