Thursday, February 21, 2008

The End

Well, today is the last day of vacation and we are all still alive. Barely though; last night was the Little Boy's turn to have a rough night. He had a high fever that fortunately broke after a few hours.

I refer to our clan as "Moses": we walk around this joint and people part like the Red freaking Sea. They can hear our honkin' and snortin' from yards away.

Joking aside, we definitely made the most of a sub optimal position and all in all, we had a great time. As my friend Silbo said, "If you gotta be sick, may as well be in Hawaii."

I have to say I love Hawaii and if it was at all feasible - which it isn't -- I would move here in a nano second. My friend Rob and his absolutely terrific family live in Oahu and were kind enough to come down and visit early in the week. He's got it worked out with his employer where it doesn't matter much where he's based, so he moved back home to Hawaii to be closer to family. Rob my friend: I am on the record as being jealous as hell. Good for you though.

I will post some great pictures tomorrow when we arrive back at home.

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