Friday, February 8, 2008

The Fog

Most of you are probably aware that the Bay Area is known for its fog. Having been here now for nearly 2 1/2 years, I'm stuck somewhere between being in complete awe at its natural beauty and being completely over it.

Days like today, however, I'm completely awe inspired. We are fortunate to live right above Tam Valley, which is where the fog essentially originates as it comes off the ocean. Today was one of those rare but spectacular mornings where it literally spread out and encompassed the entire region, including the City. I have attached a poor picture that does not nearly do it justice. Our house is up high and today we were above the fog line. As I drove to work, it was encompassing to the point in which I had no more than three feet of visibility. Yet shortly after that it completely broke and I was surrounded by blue sky -- for only a mile, before I entered complete fog cover again. Only in the Bay Area. And maybe London too for that matter.

In other news, I signed up for a 100 mile run today.

Egads, what have I gotten myself involved in?

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