Friday, December 26, 2008


A nice past few days. We had dinner at friends house the past two nights and hosted other friends this evening. Last night the Kids got their "big" Hanukah gift; "his" and "hers" Nano ipods. To say they are stoked would be an understatement. They are going absolutely bananas and don't know what to do first: listen to music, watch movies, or play games. Or in the case of all The Girl, attempt all three at once.

Today was a fair weathered day and we kept busy. This morning we went hiking up Ring Mountain, which has some of the best views in the entire Bay Area. It's about a mile up to the peak and a mile down and the kids seem to like this one; might have had something to do with their ipods. Later in the afternoon I went for a run and the girl accompanied me on her bike. As I have said before, this kid is an amazing athlete and I am thinking that her secret is that she's impervious to pain. We were out for an hour and she was cruising the entire time; on several occasions I had to have her wait up for me. My favorite part of our little jaunt was when I was listening to Notorious B.I.G. on my ipod, and she was singing rudolph to herself and any and all passerby's. About as disparate as it gets in terms of music, but it seemed to work for the two of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it,s all