Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Howard Stern, Again

It seems as if whenever I'm not in the greatest mood in the world (today's bad mood courtesy of a sick eight year old who puked on the floor at 4:30 am), Howard Stern is their to pick up my spirits.

Say what you will about Howard Stern, and I recognize that most of you are probably not fans, but the thing that truly makes him King of All Media is that he is, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest interviewers of all time. I know that might sound ludicrous, but there's many people out there who would probably agree.

Take today's interview with Martina Navratolova as a case in point. As luck would have it, I listened to it both to and from work today. On the way home it struck me that this was one of the most brilliant interviews of all time. For starters, he interviewed her about 45 minutes, and dedicated the better part of about three minutes to her tennis career. The rest was focused on her sex life (he is Howard Stern after all). But here's the thing: while he certainly "pushed the envelope" he was simultaneously very respectful and took care not to offend her. The conversation was funny, interesting and most importantly (from my standpoint) entertaining. But from a pure communications standpoint, it was almost artful in terms of how deftly it was handled.

Do I sound like too much of an acoloyte? I don't make apologies if so; as stated in a previous post, he makes my commute the most enjoyable and relaxing part of my day, and his outlandish humor has provided a welcome respite from many dark days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i heard most of that interview. what made it pretty good was that navratolova is smart and kept it interesting. i dated many lesbisans in my day (they must have been since they didn,t do anything nice to me). gs