I've always fancied myself a skateboarder. I skated a bit as a kid, but nothing really notable. But I've always been down with the skater ethos.
I had planned for a while that this year's "big" Hanukah gift for the Boy would be a real skateboard. His friends are starting to get into skateboarding and he made it clear he was interested in giving it a shot. So as a surprise, I took both the Boy and the Girl to our local skate and surf shop (this place is the real deal). I selected a board (and for the record, it wasn't cheap) and the dude at the front counter had a Jeff Spicoli-ish line, "Dude, awesome. A grom board."
The Girl wanted in on the action, so we picked her up a ahort board and off we went to the local skate park, where we ended up spending yesterday afternoon and the better part of today.
I have to give both of them credit; they got right on it. The Boy, who is a bit tentative about most things, warmed up to it pretty quickly and within an hour made his way to the half pipe. While no one was confusing him for Tony Hawk, he didn't do half bad for the first time out and most importantly, he was pretty stoked. The Girl was too for that matter. I have to say that I think the Girl is going to be a fantastic athlete.
I know I talk up the Bay Area a lot, but man, it's nice to finally live in a place where in December the kids can skate all day outside and where I can go for a nice 20 mile bike ride and swim outdoors.
AWESOME GIFT! AND THE QUALITY TIME IS THE MEMORABLE PART I'M SURE! and she looks freaking adorable in her pink and black ensemble sporting her helmet ready to ride! so cute!
the "boy" is zevan and the "girl" is summer. since you hung these names on them you should start using them.gs
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