Just returned from a very Jewish Christmas eve; movie (National Treasure -- not half bad) and Chinese food. For all you Christian friends out there -- Merry Christmas by the way -- a movie and Chinese food is a Jewish tradition that dates back almost 3,000 years.
My main boy Dave is in from Chicago with his wife and two kids. I've been razzing Dave for almost a year and a half about moving to the West Coast. Every time I go on a Paradise bike loop ride I stop in one particular sport and email Dave a photo with some variation on the message "Come West Young Man." I'm not trying to give him a hard time; just trying to provide the impetus to move as I know he likes it out here and he loves to bike. Anyway, I was super stoked to go on a ride with Dave this afternoon. It was a beautiful 60 degrees (60 degrees during Christmas?!) and were were just loving life. So anyway, we stopped for a photo, attached, at the same exact location. That was pretty cool.
Tomorrow the Solomon's head out on a six day road trip down South on the infamous Highway One. We plan to spend the first two days in the Monterey area hiking and visiting their world-famous aquarium. Following that is a brief overnight to Cambria, where we plan to stop and tour Hearst Castle. From there, it's on to Santa Barbara, and then onward ho to Anheim (Disney) and Los Angeles to chill, and according to my wife, shop at Fred Segal. Anyway, presuming the kids behave (a big presumption) this should be a really cool trip. I plan to bring the computer and post photos regularly.
Stay tuned.
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