Friday, December 7, 2007


I was contemplating a post explaining my week, but I think the numbers say it all:

(Approximately) 27: Number of times children under the age of eight have thrown up in my house over the past 72 hours

3: the number of times they made it to the toilet bowl

24: Number of times it landed on the bed or floor

3 and 2: Number of hours The Wife and I slept on Monday and Wednesday night respectively

6: Number of pajama changes for the Girl in one night alone due to vomit issues

52: Approximate number of Spongebob Squarepants episodes viewed during said convalescence

4,298: Collective whimpers from the two of them

99%: Odds that this virus will strike The Wife or I at some point this weekend


Anonymous said...

And with all of that, only one number matters: 1 Clean Scan!

Steve O said...

How many people actually read this?

Howard Solomon said...

Only you, fool.