The title says it all. I was not exactly looking forward to it, but there's no doubt it's the holy grail for kids. We went on the 31st under the false assumption that being it was New Year's eve, maybe it would be a tad quiet. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It was a freaking zoo, so to speak.
It didn't matter much to the kids though, and they had the time of the life, although The Girl got a little spooked on the Haunted House. She is such a complicated creature: she will go on the gnarliest roller coasters and laugh all the way through, but gets spooked in a haunted house. The Boy impressed: he went on Space Mountain with his mother (I freaking hate rollercoasters and don't even mildly get what all the fuss is about) and loved it.
After Disney we went to Kate Mantilini's in Beverly Hills for dinner, and then got crepes at the Fourth Street promenade in Santa Monica. From there, home, where we played Yatzee (crazy New Year's, eh?) for a while and then turned in before midnight.
This morning I went for a run and towards the end I ambled up to some old dude who was clearly on a long run (the multiple water bottles were a dead giveaway). I asked him how long he was running and he said, "twenty miles down, four to go." I said "Wow. What are you training for?"
His response was just classic: "Nothing, really. I just like to run."
1 comment:
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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