Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tebow to the Jets??!

The first and only team that I "banned" from my life was the Knicks under the Isiah Thomas reign. They made so many incredibly foolish moves that I couldn't take it anymore. I rooted for them to lose so that they would fire Thomas and utterly dismantle the franchise. That was a first. I'm glad to say that I'm a Knicks fan again, though I still think Dolan is a dolt of an owner and I am not a big Carmelo Anthony fan.

But I digress.

I think I'm close to taking the same position with the Jets. They've gone from AFC championship game to comical in one year. As I've written before., I think Ryan is ridiculous and I'm beyond tired of his shenanigans. His act has overstayed its welcome.

And then there's today. The Jets traded for Tebow, not just a few weeks after signing Sanchez to an extended deal? What? Fact is, I agree with John Elway. Tebow might be a "winner" in certain respects (and it goes without saying that he's clearly a tremendous human being - this isn't personal) but he's kind of a terrible quarterback. Everyone knows that. His style does not translate to the pro's. And he will just add to the circus atmosphere hovering around that team, which is exactly what we don't need. He doesn't need it either, frankly.

I hope I'm proven wrong but this just seems like a bad move, in every sense of the word. Anyone have a differing opinion?

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